Connecting Pilot and...
Administrators have the ability to create new users.
- Navigate to the Administration tab and select Manage Users.
- Select Create new user.
- Enter Pilot's information:
- User ID: usernamebooks1
- First Name:
- Last Name:
- Email:
- Role: Account Operator
- Enable Date: ASAP
- Press Review.
- Review and click Enable.
- Click Manage Entitlements.
- Under the "Access Levels", select the following:
- Security Level: Systems administrator
- Approvals: No approvals
- Confidential EFD Access: No access
- Payment Limits: Set customer limits: 0
- Access Schedule: Unlimited access
- Under "Accounts Function and Data Service Entitlements", enter for User Entitlements:
- Custom: View only access to all of your accounts (account reports: statements and transaction activity).
Who are you and why should I trust you?
Pilot provides bookkeeping, CFO, and tax services for literally thousands of startups and growing businesses. We've successfully processed over 10 million transactions for our customers and have unparalleled expertise when it comes to accurately categorizing financial data.