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Unique selling proposition

What is a unique selling proposition?

A Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is a statement that differentiates your product or service from your competitors. It highlights the unique benefits or value that you offer that competitors don't.

When creating a USP, it's important to think deeply about what sets your company apart. This could be anything from a specific feature of your product, to superior customer service, to an innovative business model. A good USP communicates a unique benefit, is easily understood by your target audience, and can be backed up by evidence or customer testimonials. Having a clear USP can help you more effectively market your products or services and can drive customer loyalty.

Need help with other finance or startup questions?

Pilot provides bookkeeping, CFO, and tax services for literally thousands of startups and growing businesses. We've successfully processed over 10 million transactions for our customers and have unparalleled expertise when it comes to helping businesses succeed.

We're the largest startup-focused accounting firm in the United States, and we'd love to help you. To talk to an expert on our team and find out what Pilot can do for you, please click "Talk to an Expert" below, or email us at info@pilot.com.

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