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Cost Per Click (CPC)

What is Cost Per Click (CPC)?

Cost per click (CPC) advertising is when you pay based on how many people click on your ad. With CPC advertising, you can be certain that you’re not paying for ads that don’t result in someone visiting your website. 

However, running effective CPC campaigns can be difficult. You may want to continually test and track ads, landing pages, and bids to identify what works best with your target customers. 

Google AdSense and AdWords, Infolinks, Media.net, and social media companies all have popular pay per click (PPC) platforms. (The two terms go hand-in-hand. You pay a CPC when you run a PPC ad.) These platforms use an auction to determine whose ad is shown, and your CPC can depend on the keywords you’re targeting, your maximum bid amount, your quality score with the platform, and competitors’ bids.

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