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California Sales Tax Exemption

What is the California sales tax exemption?

The California sales tax exemption applies to certain types of sales and is designed to encourage economic development or to benefit certain categories of purchasers. The type of goods that may be exempted from sales tax vary, but generally include items like groceries, prescription medicines, and certain agricultural supplies.

Sales tax exemptions are enacted by the state's legislation and can vary based on the specific rules and regulations of California. In order to benefit from these exemptions, a business usually needs to provide a valid resale certificate or other forms of documentation that prove the sale was eligible for exemption. It's always a good idea for businesses to consult with a tax professional to ensure compliance with these rules.

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We're the largest startup-focused accounting firm in the United States, and we'd love to help you. To talk to an expert on our team and find out what Pilot can do for you, please click "Talk to an Expert" below, or email us at info@pilot.com.

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