Instructions for Filling Out Form 8862

Instructions for Filling Out Form 8862

Written by 
Pilot Team
July 5, 2023
Instructions for Filling Out Form 8862

This document offers a thorough guide on completing Form 8862, covering its purpose, eligibility, and step-by-step instructions for each section. It also addresses the Paperwork Reduction Act Notice and provides information on various tax credits, such as EIC, CTC, RCTC, ACTC, ODC, and AOTC.

What is Form 8862?

Form 8862 is a document used by taxpayers to claim specific credits after they have been disallowed, such as the Earned Income Credit (EIC), Child Tax Credit (CTC), Refundable Child Tax Credit (RCTC), Additional Child Tax Credit (ACTC), Credit for Other Dependents (ODC), and American Opportunity Tax Credit (AOTC). The purpose of this form is to enable taxpayers to claim these credits if they were previously reduced or disallowed for reasons other than math or clerical errors, and the taxpayer now meets all the requirements for the credits. Taxpayers should use Form 8862 when their EIC, CTC, RCTC, ACTC, ODC, or AOTC for a year after 1996 (for EIC) or a year after 2015 (for CTC, RCTC, ACTC, ODC, or AOTC) was reduced or disallowed for any reason other than a math or clerical error, and they now meet all the requirements for and want to take the credit(s).

Who Must File Form 8862?

Individuals need to file Form 8862 if their Earned Income Credit (EIC) for a year after 1996 was reduced or disallowed for any reason other than a math or clerical error, and they now meet all the requirements for and want to take the EIC. Similarly, those whose Child Tax Credit (CTC), Refundable Child Tax Credit (RCTC), Additional Child Tax Credit (ACTC), or Credit for Other Dependents (ODC) for a year after 2015 was reduced or disallowed for any reason other than a math or clerical error, and they now meet all the requirements for and want to take the CTC, RCTC, ACTC, or ODC. Lastly, individuals whose American Opportunity Tax Credit (AOTC) for a year after 2015 was reduced or disallowed for any reason other than a math or clerical error, and they now meet all the requirements for and want to take the AOTC, should also file Form 8862.

Form 8862 Tax Filing Deadlines and Due Dates

  • The webpage does not provide specific due dates for Form 8862.
  • A taxpayer identification number is needed by the due date of the return to claim certain credits.

Form 8862 Late Payment Penalty

Form 8862 does not have a specific late payment penalty associated with it, as it is used to claim certain credits after disallowance by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in the United States. The form itself does not require a payment, but rather serves as a means to reinstate eligibility for tax credits that were previously reduced or disallowed. Therefore, there is no late payment penalty directly tied to Form 8862.

Step-by-Step Instructions for Form 8862

The step-by-step instructions for filling out Form 8862 are as follows:

  1. All Filers: Enter the year for which you are filing this form to claim the credit(s) in Line 1. Check the box(es) that applies to the credit(s) you are now claiming in Line 2.
  2. Earned Income Credit: Answer the questions in Line 4, Line 6, and Line 7 based on your situation.
  3. Section A: Filers With a Qualifying Child or Children: Answer the questions in Line 6 and Line 7 based on your situation.
  4. Section B: Filers Without a Qualifying Child or Children: Answer the questions in Line 9 and Line 10 based on your situation.
  5. Part III—Child Tax Credit (nonrefundable or refundable)/Additional Child Tax Credit/Credit for Other Dependents: Answer the questions in Line 14, Line 15, and Line 16 based on your situation.
  6. Part IV—American Opportunity Tax Credit: Answer the questions in Line 19a and Line 19b based on your situation.
  7. Part V—Qualifying Child of More Than One Person: Read the instructions and apply them to your situation.

How to Submit Form 8862

To submit Form 8862, follow these steps:

  1. Complete all relevant sections of the form, including Parts I, II, III, IV, and V, based on your eligibility for the specific credits.
  2. Attach the completed Form 8862 to your tax return.

Remember to have a valid Social Security Number (SSN) for claiming the Earned Income Credit (EIC) and ensure that you meet all the necessary criteria for the credits you are claiming, such as the Child Tax Credit (CTC), Refundable Child Tax Credit (RCTC), Additional Child Tax Credit (ACTC), Credit for Other Dependents (ODC), and American Opportunity Tax Credit (AOTC).

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