Founder Salary Report 2024

How much should you be paying yourself?
Pilot’s annual Founder Salary Report provides a sense of what other founders in similar positions are doing and what trends they are facing. We hope this report proves helpful as you determine what’s right for you and your company.
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Founder Salary Report 2024 median salaries chart
Pilot Founder Salary Report 2024 funding pie chart
Bootstrapped vs. VC
Pilot Founder Salary Report 2024 salaries bar chart

What's Inside

Ranges, averages, and distributions for more than 1,000 founder salaries

presentation with line charts illustration

Salary analysis by company size, funding level, and geography

globe earth

Deep-dive breakouts for regions, including the SF Bay Area, New York, and Other US

Founders often start with a low salary
of founders pay themselves less than $100K annually
Geography plays a major role in a startup's overall finances and salaries.
US states illustration
SF Bay Area
Other US
Boston Area
NYC Area
Texas Area

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