Instructions for Filling Out Form 8283

Instructions for Filling Out Form 8283

Written by 
Pilot Team
April 12, 2023
Instructions for Filling Out Form 8283

This document offers a comprehensive guide on completing Form 8283, used for reporting noncash charitable contributions. It covers filing requirements, definitions of terms, and specific instructions for each section of the form.

In this article, we'll provide information on Form 8283 and a step-by-step guide on how to fill it out, keeping it straight to the point.

What is Form 8283?

Form 8283 is a document used by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in the United States to report noncash charitable contributions made by individuals, partnerships, or corporations. The purpose of this form is to ensure compliance with tax laws and to calculate the correct amount of tax. Key components of Form 8283 include sections for donor's information, a detailed description of the donated property, the fair market value of the property, the method used to determine the fair market value, and a declaration from the appraiser. Additionally, the form contains sections for information on partial interests and restricted use property, a taxpayer (donor) statement, a declaration of appraiser, and a donee acknowledgment.

Who Must File Form 8283?

Individuals, partnerships, and corporations who have made noncash charitable contributions need to file Form 8283 if the amount of their deduction for each noncash contribution is more than $500. Additionally, they must file the form if they have a group of similar items for which a total deduction of over $500 is claimed.

Form 8283 Tax Filing Deadlines and Due Dates

  • Form 8283 is typically filed with the taxpayer's annual tax return
  • Due dates for Form 8283 generally align with the due date for the taxpayer's tax return

Form 8283 Late Payment Penalty

There’s no specific late payment penalties, thought it is important to note that Form 8283 is filed with the taxpayer's annual tax return, and any penalties associated with late filing or payment would generally be tied to the tax return itself, rather than Form 8283 specifically.

Step-by-Step Instructions for Form 8283

Step 1: Complete the Donor's Information section at the top of Form 8283. Provide your name, address, and taxpayer identification number (Social Security number or Employer Identification number).

Step 2: In Part I, Section A, provide information about the donated property. For each item or group of similar items, include a description, the date of the contribution, the name and address of the donee organization, and the fair market value (FMV) of the property on the date of the contribution.

Step 3: In Part I, Section B, provide information about the method used to determine the FMV of the donated property. Indicate whether you used an appraisal, a comparable sales method, or another method to determine the value.

Step 4: If you donated a partial interest in property or a property with a restricted use, complete Part II of Form 8283. Provide a description of the property, the terms of the restriction, and the FMV of the property before and after the restriction.

Step 5: Complete the Taxpayer (Donor) Statement in Part III. Sign and date the statement, certifying that the information provided on Form 8283 is accurate and complete.

Step 6: If the donated property has a value of more than $5,000, you must obtain a qualified appraisal and have the appraiser complete the Declaration of Appraiser in Part IV. The appraiser must provide their name, address, taxpayer identification number, and a description of their qualifications. They must also sign and date the declaration, certifying that they are a qualified appraiser and that the information provided is accurate and complete.

Step 7: If the donated property has a value of more than $5,000, the donee organization must complete the Donee Acknowledgment in Part V. The donee must provide their name, address, and taxpayer identification number. They must also sign and date the acknowledgment, certifying that they are an eligible donee organization and that they received the donated property as described on Form 8283.

How to Submit Form 8283

To submit Form 8283, first determine if you need to file it, which is required if the amount of your deduction for each noncash contribution is more than $500. Complete the form according to the instructions provided, including information about the donated property, its fair market value, and how it was acquired. Finally, attach the form to your tax return for the year you contributed the property and first claim a deduction.

Keep in mind that you must obtain a written qualified appraisal from a qualified appraiser before completing Part I of Section B. If your noncash contribution was subject to limits based on your adjusted gross income and you have an unused charitable deduction from a previous year, attach a completed copy of the Form 8283 from the previous year to your current return. Your deduction may be disallowed if you fail to attach a required Form 8283, obtain a required appraisal and complete Section B of Form 8283, or attach a required appraisal for specific types of property.

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