Date Posted: June 13, 2019
You agree not to misuse the Services (as defined in the Pilot Subscription Agreement) or help anyone else to do so. For example, you must not do (or even try to do) any of the following in connection with the Services:
The Pilot bookkeeping services (including any communications you may have with Pilot personnel in connection with those services) are not a substitute for and do not include legal, tax, financial, real estate, healthcare or accounting advice, and Pilot is not a public accounting firm. The Pilot bookkeeping services do not include, and you will not purport to rely on them for: (i) audit, examination, verification, investigation, certification, presentation, or review, of financial transactions or accounting records; (ii) advice relating to accounting procedure and to the recording, presentation, or certification of financial information or data; (iii) preparation or certification of reports on audits or examinations of books or records of account, balance sheets, and other financial, accounting and related schedules, exhibits, statements, or reports that are to be used for publication, for the purpose of obtaining credit, for filing with a court of law or with any governmental agency, or for any other purpose; (iv) legal advice regarding any of your business practices, including with respect to their appropriateness or legality; or (v) tax advice or tax return preparation (although we will provide bookkeeping assistance to your tax preparer of choice). You should seek the services of a duly licensed professional in connection with any of the foregoing. In particular, only a certified public accountant can attest (e.g. as part of an audit) as to whether the results of the Pilot bookkeeping services are compliant with GAAP, IFRS or any other accounting standards or rules, and Pilot makes no representation or warranty with respect thereto.